Smiles to Love
For Life

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About Us

As pediatric dental specialists, we know all children are unique, so our treatment approaches are tailored to each child. Both Dr. Katie and Dr. Stephanie are board-certified pediatric dentists with specialized training in child development and behavior enhancement. We strive to provide comprehensive, compassionate dental care to all children from infancy to adolescence, including those with special health care needs.

West Michigan Pediatric Dentists Near Me

Pediatric Dental Specialists West Michigan

Pediatric Dental Specialists In West Michigan

Pediatric Dentists West Michigan

Video Testimonials

Dental Office West Michigan Pediatric Dentists

West Michigan Grandville Pediatric Dentists

West Michigan Childrens Dentists

Our Services

From routine cleanings to restorative care, we’re equipped to keep your child’s oral health and development on track. We work alongside parents to ease anxiety, craft a personal treatment plan, and leave kids confidently awaiting their next visit.

West Michigan preventive Pediatric Dentists

We Accept Financing
Through CareCredit

CareCredit is a healthcare credit card designed for the health and wellness needs of you, your entire family, and even your pets! Use it to pay for out-of-pocket expenses not covered by medical insurance. Special financing options are available that you may not be able to get with other cards.

Pediatric Dental Blogs

Top Dentists 2019 Grand Rapids Pediatric Dentists

PDS voted one of GR Magazines “Top Dentists of 2019”

Grand Rapids Magazine, with the help of PRS, conducted an exclusive online peer-review survey. This list was compiled of top...
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Children Dental Health Month

Children’s Dental Health Month

February is Children’s Dental Health Month and if you’re the parent of little ones, you may ...
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Wotv4 Women Feature Grand Rapids Pediatric Dentists

PDS of West MI Featured On WOTV4 Women

Dr. Stephanie and Dr.Katie were recently featured on Maranda to talk about our practice, and what makes us different than...
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