Sedation Dentistry

Sedation can be a safe option to help children through their dental appointment and complete necessary dental treatment that potentially could not be completed otherwise. Dr. Katie, Dr. Stephanie, and Dr. Taryn will consult with parents and caregivers to discuss sedation options and to choose the most appropriate option for each child.


If your child requires restorative procedures (fillings, extractions, crowns), Dr. Katie, Dr. Stephanie, and Dr. Taryn may recommend the use of nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. Nitrous oxide is a safe and effective adjunct to dental treatment, and is the most commonly used mild sedative in pediatric dentistry.

Both elements of nitrous oxide (nitrogen and oxygen) are present in atmospheric air we breathe; the nitrous oxide in our office is delivered in a concentrated dose for a dental setting. This helps improve cooperation by relaxing your child and eliminating the gag reflex. When children are able to relax, their treatment can be performed safely and efficiently, reducing their time in the chair, and your time in the office.

Read more: Nitrous Oxide


Mild oral sedation is offered in our office and may be recommended on children who experience dental anxiety, are young or may need help sitting still. The appointment is completed by our trained and experienced team. Children may remain awake for their treatment and are able to watch a movie while their dental needs are attended to. Oral sedation may also help reduce the numbers of visits your child needs to complete the dental treatment needed.


General anesthesia is offered for patients in our office for a variety of reasons or when oral sedation is not an option. The dental treatment may be completed at qualified facilities such as Spectrum Health South Pavillion or Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital with our qualified team members alongside the anesthesia team. Children who have extensive treatment needs, who are very young, or who are extremely anxious about dental treatment benefit from treatment while asleep. The anesthesia team will monitor your child while asleep, and Dr. Stephanie, Dr. Katie, or Dr. Taryn will provide all necessary dental treatment in one visit, eliminating a child’s need to come to our office for multiple appointments.